Thursday, June 9, 2011


So I try not to read the news much. It's disappointing to often. At one time I was even quite interested in politics... Until like everything else reality rears it's ugly head. I try not to be bothered by what's going on in our country. Everyone feels so differently, everyone feels they are right. Capitalism reigns almighty. It couldn't be wrong after all we're Americans . At what point does patriotism just turn into arrogance? When does pride in ones country turn into a personality disorder?
A nation once built on forward thinking and tolerance... maybe we have had to much to long, spoiled and without compassion. We've been given so much from our forefathers. I'm sure they would be disappointed. As all parents tend to be when they learn they have forgotten to teach their children what is most important.. compassion, kindness and a bit of empathy..

Where is this blog leading ?

Recent news reports of a push to give urine analysis tests to those who receive welfare.. I guess we are to assume if you are poor you must be on drugs. I have listened to more than one person applaud such a measure. I'm shocked, not so much by the measure but the reasoning. There will always be politicians that profit by passing such laws and always with each law passing a bit of our rights will pass by the wayside too..

Putting aside the constitution, setting aside that very important document that this country was built on.. People forget one thing. That is not all there is.
Hold on now, don't argue just yet. Lets take the politics out of it. Take your anger that you have pent up for paying high taxes from money earned from your under paying jobs, money earned by educations you have still not been able to pay off. Set aside your anger for over paying on a home that you bought that was over priced to begin with. Set aside the anger for Banks, CEOS and politicians...Now that that is set a side lets free our minds from all that has bent them.

Now lets think.....We are reasonable people. Lets get to the root of this issue.Than let us decide if peeing in a cup will address that issue or just give you that instant gratification of saying F*** You!
Drugs are without a doubt a problem... Poverty is without a doubt a problem... but where do they start..
I have a theory of how they can meld together , stick with me I'm not much of a story teller so here it goes.
Lets say little Tommy is born on the wrong side of the tracks. His Mama drinks and smokes heavily while pregnant, she drinks because her daddy use to take her places no daddy should... of course had he not been hit in the head with a shell in Iraq and seen things no boy of 18 should ever see maybe his story would have been different, so hers could have been different too... but it wasn't.. so I digress.
Tommy is born with fetal alcohol syndrome and asthma.. Mom dies drunk driving when he's 3 years old. Tommy goes to live with gramma. Gramma is on a fixed income. She can't afford the services Tommy needs. Tommy goes to public school he receives help from underpayed and overworked staff. The same staff whos benefits have just been cut along with their prep time...The same staff who's positive, hopeful, idealistic ideas of teaching got sucked out of them as soon as they finished up with those first rounds of state testing.. as soon as they found out they weren't their to teach or help guide but to babysit.
Tommy is hungry, after all he's a growing boy. Gramma goes to the food pantry and does her best to make sure he's fed.. Lots of speghetti is served at his house it's cheap and doesn't require much meat.Any vegetables served are canned. There is no room for a garden at the apartment they live in..
Soon Tommy is in High school. He can't play the sports his friends play. His asthma is untreated.. the Qvar inhaler he needs is just to expensive. Gramma can't drive in the car to the away games..and so many of the games are away. It doesn't matter he hasn't the money for them anyways.
Tommy struggles in school, his grades are a mess his brain not able to hold all the information pouring through his eyes and ears each day.. He's angry, he's developed a chip on his shoulder. He's depressed, the air he breathes feels so heavy. All that shines for others appears in shades of gray to Tommy.
Gramma's not doing well.Tommy falls in with the wrong crowd, he falls into drugs, alcohol and all those other things we hope and pray our kids never fall into..
He's lost...

Tommys gramma dies...

Tommy mentally disabled, alone and unable to hold a real job due to fetal alcohol syndrome is addicted to drugs. He falls into the system repeatedly arrested for small crimes.. no chance of employment.. petty crimes repeat...He's in the system now.. Jail, probation, welfare. Is it enough?

So heres the question....Who failed Tommy?

What about depression, physical disabilities, mental disabilities, bad education, no education and just plain bad luck. You certainly don't need to be on drugs to be poor. Circumstance can be brought on so quickly. Employed one day and not the next. So what are the real roots of poverty and drug abuse? Are we not just reaping what we sow? This is the result of Capitalism... Those who can afford will afford....The poor, sick and helpless stripped away of rights easily afforded to those who can buy private doctors, private schools and private lawyers..
This is a problem we created. Forcing those that have fallen victim to a broken system that we designed is irresponsible. If we don't want poverty we must address it at the beginning..In the womb, by the care we provide.. Starting in our hospitals, our schools, our kitchens and our communities... It takes a village.. A plastic cup and a lab coat are not the answer. WE ARE!