So I was thinking today, a horrible habit I have been trying to break.. Life and death and stuff.
Some of you may know a pack rat or two in your lives. I am always fasinated and appalled by such people. To be so wrapped up in stuff. Seems like it would suffocate the life right out of you.
People always say you can't take it with you when you die..This is true but sometimes I think people miss the bigger picture.. What you actually leave behind. After all, your life really hasn't had any meaning unless you have touched others lives in someway. A fingerprint of your being carried on forever.. We all leave these prints, some can be damaging smudging what ever they have touched hopefully if we live a concious life, an aware life, what we leave behind is positive.
So instead of collecting trinckets that collect dust and when left behind just leave a headache for those to clean up. Concentrate on your life print. Things come and go but your life print carries on forever. It's a hard task that takes lots of practice. Requires stepping out of yourself to be aware of all living things at any given moment.. Putting a side things for people. In this day and age a big idea. Seems people are now judged by what they own and what they get not what they contribute. A bigger house, a bigger car, Bigger wardrobe... what about bigger kindness? It doesn't take much, a smile at the check out line, a genuine "how are you?" Doing things for others with out expecting anything in return..You can't take it with you but you CAN leave it behind..
Random Acts of kindness~ doing a little more than you should, helping a little more than would. It The mom with 4 kids in Walmart just being an extra set of hands- I truely think that stuff lasts for ever it becomes who you ARE. Its The Grandpa attitude. If you do.